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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Finding the Right Shoes

The wrong shoes can cause or aggravate foot ailments. The right shoes can often prevent - but cannot correct - problems. So wearing the right shoes is vital to foot health. Follow this checklist when you buy shoes. Be sure they measure up.


  • Leather is best because is breathes like skin and molds to your foot. But cheaper canvas is fine for fast-growing children. 
  • Soles should be strong and flexible with a good gripping surface. 
  • Insoles should be cushioned to absorb the jolts of walking on hard surfaces. 
  • Arch supports distribute weight over a wider area. Rigid shanks also give added support. 
  • High heels are fun and look good, but they should not be worn too long at a stretch or for much walking. Besides cramping the toes, they change body posture, making backaches more likely.

  • Only you can tell if shoes fit. If they aren't comfortable, don't buy them! 
  • Don't plan on shoes stretching with wear. If you already own shoes that are too tight, ask your shoe repair shop if they can be stretched.  
  • Because feet spread with age, have your feet measured every time you buy shoes. Both feet should be measured as they are often different sizes. Always buy shoes for the BIGGEST foot.  
  • Go shoe shopping late in the afternoon. Feet swell to their largest then. 
  • Size depends on shoe make and style, too. Don't insist you always wear one size if the next feels better. 
  • The toe box should be roomy enough so you can wiggle all your toes. 
  • Your forefoot should NOT be wider than your shoe. 
  • The heel should fit snugly and the instep should not gape open. 

  • Good shoes are especially important to avoid problems in developing feet. 
  • Because shoes serve only to protect children's feet from injury, none are needed before a child walks.  
  • High-topped infant shoes do not support ankles - oxfords and tennis shoes are equally good. 
  • Check OFTEN to be sure shoes aren't too small. Children's feet are so flexible they can be crammed into shoes two sizes too small - and the child may not complain. 
  • Don't have children wear hand-me-down shoes. They are permanently molded to the original owner's foot.

Unfortunately, most shoes today are narrower in the front than the foot is. You can check this by standing on paper and tracing around your bare foot. Compare the outline of your foot with the sole of your shoe. If your shoe appears too narrow, you may be inviting foot problems. Choose only shoes that feel comfortable - you are the best judge of that.

Our marvelous feet evolved for flexibility and strength - not to be stuffed into shoes. When people roamed the earth barefoot 4,000 years ago, foot problems were not the rule. Today, we need shoes to protect our feet from cold, injury, disease, and pounding on hard pavement. But too often we choose shoes for style rather than comfort and function.

Remember:  Good shoes are part of the good care your feet deserve.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

How to Walk in Heels

I know there are some ladies that do not need to read and learn how to walk perfectly well in heels like my humble self  *batting my eyelashes and smiling*, but there are some that find it hard to take two steps in them. So for those who do not know how and want to know well this is for you. For those that can walk miles in heels, well you still need to read this and learn one or two things and maybe who knows help someone who desperately need to walk in heels.

Well ladies the first thing to know if you want to walk well in heels is to know your shoe.


Know Your Shoe



THE BODY: If a stiff shoe causes blisters, spritz this area with water and use your fingers to mold the softened leather to the shape of your foot or try special inserts to reduce friction.

THE BREAST: The inner arch of the heel, which affects stability. The farther forward the arch, the less you will feel off-balance.

THE SOLE: Slipping on slick floors? Pick up a pair of sole protectors or score the soles of your heels with a key to create extra traction.

THE TOE BOX: If your toes feel pinched, have this area stretched out at your local shoe repair shop.

THE INTERIOR: If you suffer from low arches, slip in supports to relieve pressure on the balls of your feet. 


Take It Step-by-Step

1. POSTURE: Heels pitch weight forward, so for balance, keep your head up and shoulders back. Tightening your core will offset some of the pressure on your feet.

2. STEPS: Striding in a normal heel-to-toe motion can snap a stiletto or twist an ankle. Instead take short steps, going down evenly on the ball of the foot and heel.

3. WEIGHT: As your weight shifts fully onto a foot, spread your toes in the shoe slightly; this will help to distribute the weight onto the ball of the foot.

4. HIPS: When you're feeling off-balance, you tend to stiffen up. For an easy, attractive momentum, let your hips swing in small, sideways, figure-eight motions.


Tone and Train Your Legs

Foot experts warn that the unnatural slope of stilettos puts unnecessary strain on feet and lower leg muscles.  Try to let your feet rest. Let them breathe. Wear flats in slippers, shoes. There are varieties to choose from. From loafers to brogues,embellished slippers and so many.

Take Time to Soothe and Repair

Refresh tired feet with a tingly foot treatment.

Knead away sore spots and stimulate blood flow to help your feet recover from a day in uncomfortable shoes. You can do this by using a Porcupine massage ball.

Slip on a pair of moisture-gel padded socks for an instant at-home spa treatment. There are different types of softening socks you can choose from.

Keep calluses and rough spots at bay with a callus stone. 


Here is one last tip: You love high heels, but you find them uncomfortable?
Well try on pairs with a platform of at least 1 inch, which decreases the relative heel height. Or borrow this trick: Have a repair shop add foam padding to the inner soles of your stilettos. The extra cushioning is well worth the cost.

So ladies go get those heels and start strutting in them *wink*wink*.