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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Too Many Shoes?

It was a beautiful afternoon. Preparing to go hang-out with friends later in the evening, I picked up one of my beauties, cleaning it while dancing to the song coming out of my music player. Then my mum burst into my room.
"Did you take one of my bags?", She asked.
"No, I didn't.", I replied.
Then she saw my sandals. "I wonder how you get to wear shoes this high. Don't they hurt?", she asked.
"No, they don't. They are actually comfortable.", I replied.
Still thinking I took her bag (am the only girl with three younger brothers. So my mum & I are the only females in the house), she started searching. Then she saw them; my must have fashion accessory - SHOES.
"My God!!! What are you doing with all these?", she asked.
"Wear them", I replied non-chalantly.
"To where?", she asked. "Out", I replied smiling. "Mummy, you see there are shoes for different occasions", I added.
"I hope you don't spend all your money on shoes", she said.
"At least I make them. So......", I said. "If only you knew...", I thought and smiled mischievously.

This is usually the conversation I have with my mum each time she sees my collection. She doesn't really understand why a young lady, like myself, should have so many foot-wears.

Really, can a lady have too many shoes?
NO, NO, NO.... A lady needs foot-wears for different occasions and outfit. She needs shoes to go to the market, to hang-out with friends, to church, work, to the beach, to the cinema, to go clubbing, to see a friend in the neighborhood,....She needs foot-wears that must go with her pair of jeans, dress, shorts, cute short skirts, etc.The truth is one gets to wear two or three foot-wears more than the others. But hey, there is no harm in owing lots of shoes and one can still get to wear them some day. There are  
                                         times  I just look at my shoe collections and I smile.

It's good to know that men, OK let me correct myself here, gentlemen...So it's good to know that gentlemen also know that there is need to invest in foot-wears and am really happy about this new development. Gone are those days that you see some men with just two or three shoes; some usually have one. But am glad, really glad that they are beginning to have more shoes & they are really taking care of them.

Some have several in different colours and shapes. They are also aware that there are formal and informal shoes. Oxford, lace-ups, etc are categorised as formal shoes. Sneakers, converse, loafers, sandals are informal foot-wears. Loafers can also be formal it all depends on the outfit and since most organisation here in Nigera 'dress down' on fridays, guys can wear them. 
I must say that when it comes to foot-wears, some gentlemen are competing with ladies (one of my brothers has so many shoes that he just packs them in a corner in his room because he doesn't have space for them again). 

But can they ever win or beat we ladies in this "Shoe Race"? No they can't. NEVER    : p

(all shoes are from ShoeFetish by Ronke Adeshina)