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Thursday, January 27, 2011

All About Shoes

If eyes are the window to the soul, shoes are the window to a man's/woman's personality.

Let's first check out the overall condition of the shoe. If the shoe is scuffed, worn out and just plain nasty, you can clearly believe that this man/woman does not have a closet full of shoes. If he/she does have more than two or three choices, the other two pairs being a pair of equally scruffy sneakers or a disgusting pair of shoes/sandals or worse yet flip flops; he/she never wears them.

What this tells you about this man/woman is that he's/she's probably very hard working and puts everyone's needs before his/her own. He/She puts comfort before fashion and doesn't really think about what others think about his/her appearance as long as everything is clean and is not on backward or inside out. It's much easier to keep putting on the same pair of black shoes because they match everything. He/She doesn't have time or the energy to worry about the latest style or eye-popping color. And the only thing he's/she's concerned about popping are the buttons of his/her shirt or the zipper on his/her pants. He/She hates shopping for himself/herself and it shows.

Now lets talk about just the lady. If you check out a woman's shoes and they look like they are brand new and in the latest color and style, you are dealing with a woman who loves shoes. She probably has a closet full of the most darling shoes you've ever seen in every color and style imaginable. Her outfit matches her shoes, and she is well put together. This woman enjoys being looked at and knows her brands and designers. She would rather starve for a week than pass up a great pair of shoes. This woman is high maintenance and isn't worrying about just getting through life. She's getting through life with a flare and having as much fun doing it as possible.

Next, the style of shoe a woman wears tells you volumes.

The athletic sneaker worn with everything, the sandal, the clog, and the flip flop are pretty common for the married mother.

Flats also scream comfort and lack of time, but with the cute ballet flats and other styles, you look more put together and modern.

Even those with fallen arches and weak ankles can find cute comfortable shoes that will not look like your granny willed them to you. They may cost more but your feet and legs will thank you.

High heels, my all time favourite,,also say confidence, sexy, and I don't have flat feet, or if I am in pain, I don't care, because I look hot.

Remember, when you reach for that pair of shoes tomorrow morning it's telling all your secrets.

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